For information on any of these branch events, contact your shop steward. To share an event contact April Litty 856-885-1451 or
Congratulations to the winners of the MDA blook pool, Gary DiGiacomo, Joseph Jablonski, Tony Lombardi, and Allen Muff. Thank you all for participating.
We're selling Branch 908 hoodies for $35, $10 from each sale goes to MDA. Check out the photo page for a picture.
In February we will start selling raffle tickets for $5. 1st place a PS5 Digital edition with NBA 2K25 bundle, 2nd place $200 gift card, 3rd place $100 gift card. Proceeds benefit MDA The drawing will be at the June 18th general membership meeting. For tickets see your steward or contact Jason Dempster 856-503-5007 or April Litty 856-885-1451.
Region 12 RAP session 3/9/25-3/12/25.
CCA/PTF night 4/1/25 from 7-9pm. 502 Colonial Ave. Woodbury. Food, drinks, info, and a raffle, for CCA's and PTF's. Contact Ozzie for more info 856-220-8658.
Annual Branch Banquet honoring retirees and award winners will be Sat. 4/12/25 7-11pm at Elizabeth's Caterers, Highland Blvd. & Sylvan Ave. Tickets are $20 for active members and guests and $10 for Retirees. Honored retirees are free. Dinner and open bar included. For tickets or more info contact Mike Powell 856-906-2026.
NALC Food Drive Saturday 5/10/25.
The drawing for the Branch Scholarship will be at the general membership meeting on 5/21/25. The winner will receive a fund of $2000 ($500 per year for 4 years) Applications are available under Branch Info or at the meetings. For more info contact Allen Muff 856-723-7434.
6/18/25 PS5 drawing at the General Membership Meeting. Shrimp and wings before the summer break!
No meetings for July and August.
Clementon Lake Park Picnic Sunday 9/7/25.
Hops for Hope Sunday 10/12/25.
Turkey give away at the General Membership meeting 11/19/25
Kid's Christmas party 12/7/25
12/17/25 Shrimp and Wings Christmas meeting!