Newsletter October 97

Next Meeting - October 15

The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except in July and August. The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be on Wednesday, October 15, 8 pm at the Colonial Manor American Legion Post Home, 502 Colonial Ave., N. Woodbury. 

Branch Officers, Executive Board Meeting - October 8

The Branch Officers and the Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers meets at 7 pm., and the Executive Board at 8 pm. The next meetings of the Board of Officers and the Executive Board will be on Wednesday, October 8, at 7 and 8 pm. respectively. 

Nominations & Election of Branch Officers, Shop Stewards And Convention Delegates - October 15, ]1997

Nominations for the election of Branch Officers, Shop Stewards, and Convention Delegates will be called for at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on Wednesday, October 15, 1997. Elections are by secret mail ballot of the eligible Branch membership, held as soon as possible after nominations. All Officers and Shop Stewards are elected for a term of two (2) years. Nominations are made from the floor, or in writing to the Branch Recording Secretary prior to or at the October, regular monthly meeting. Branch Offices up For election: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Chairman of Trustees, four (4) Trustees, Health Benefits Officer, Sargent At Arms, and a Housing Chairperson.
Shop Stewards Are nominated and elected as are Branch Officers, except that they must be nominated and elected by the Branch membership at the office where they are employed.
The nomination and election of Convention Delegates is the same as for Branch Officers and Shop Stewards, except that to be compensated for attendance at a convention such nominated, elected Convention Delegates must have attended at least eleven (11) regular or Executive Board meetings of the Branch from the month of the last National Convention (August), to and including the October 搖ominating meeting. According to the Branch Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Delegates to be compensated for their attendance at a convention cannot exceed three (3) percent of Branch membership. Consequently, although the Branch will be allotted about 33 National Convention Delegates, only about 20 will be compensated for their convention attendance. 

Branch Picnic

Bill Baitinger and his wife Sandy would like to thank everyone who helped out at the Clementon Park picnic especially, all of the Officers, Carriers, and wives, who helped cook, clean-up, and make the salads and搞eserts. There was 358 tickets sold, and $283 collected for the Branch COLCPE fund. Again, thanks everyone for your help and support. 

Unauthorized Vehicle Modifications

"There have been numerous instances in the past of local managers making unauthorized modifications to postal vehicles, particularly the new Ford vans. These modifications have included the removal of the passenger seat, additional mirrors, fans, back-up devices and the installation of tray racks. These modifications are not authorized and cannot be condoned. These types of modifications have not occurred in our leased vehicles and are not necessary in Postal vehicles. This practice must stop immediately and the vehicles restored to their original state." (Manager, OPS, Allegheny Area) 

Treasurer's Report For August

$9,136.10 Balance Checking Account for July
$10,216.17 Receipts for August
19,352.27 Total Checking Account For August
4,910.52 Expenditures For August
$14,441.75 Balance Checking Account For August

834.68 Delaware Cash Reserve
25,548.97 Building Fund (CD, Del Valley Acct.)
42,348.87 National Convention Fund
14,441.75 Balance Checking Account
1,045.65 Balance Optical Fund
862.82 Balance Sick and Welfare Fund
1,602.95 Balance Death Fund
8,207.71 Cash Reserve CD
$97,893.40 Total Monies


Interim Approach For Offices Without 4th Bundle Agreement

In accordance with agreement reached by the parties at the National Level under date of September 12, 1997, if there is no agreement between the local parties on an interim approach for handling unaddressed flats as of September 28, the local parties will assess the efficiency of the approach which the regular carrier has selected by way of a comparison of the average daily total work hours used on the route on the first six (6) days unaddressed flats are delivered using the carrier's selected approach, and the average daily total work hours used on the route on each of the six (6) days unaddressed flats were delivered immediately prior to August 4, 1997. If the daily total work hours using the carrier's selected approach exceed those used during the six (6) days measured prior to August 4, the parties at the local level will conduct a review to determine whether the increase is the result of increased office or street time. If it is determined that the office time increase was not caused by a volume increase, or the carrier's street time increased for any reason, or the carrier's level of efficiency is not maintained, management will select the approach for handling unaddressed flats for the remainder of the interim period. 

Attendance Prize Now At $75
For October Meeting


Payroll Check Changes

Effective pay date Friday, October 3, 1997, the US Postal Service will change its payroll checking account from the US Treasury to four banks: Bank of America, Citibank, Nations Bank and First Chicago. The new paycheck will carry the Familiar postal logo with the words PAYROLL CHECK printed in bold letters on its face and be easily recognizable as an official Postal Service paycheck. This is a "paper change" only and paychecks will continue to be distributed at work. Employees will continue to handle their checks as they have in the past. 

Auxiliary Route DPS Work Selection Method

According to a decision reached at Step 4 of the grievance arbitration procedures by the parties under date of October 23,1997, the DPS work selection method for an auxiliary route is joint determination between management and the Union. (D94N-4D-C 96077047, Burlington, NC) 

$349 COLCPE Donation

Steve Rutkowski, who was recently awarded $5000 as the result of a grievance settlement at the District level, graciously donated $349 to the Branch COLCPE fund. Thanks, Steve! 

New Shop Steward At Glassboro

Due to the recent resignation of the Shop Steward at Glassboro, Bill McIntyre, President Stoltz has appointed Gus Dressner as the new Shop Steward at that office. Gus can be reached at the Glassboro office. 

TE's & Casuals Must Be Utilized Before Mandatory Overtime

Arbitrator Carlton Snow issued a national arbitration award September 16 ordering the Postal Service to use available Transitional Employees for work before requiring mandatory overtime for full-time carriers not on the ODL. Snow also added that casuals should also be included as available auxiliary assistance before requiring mandatory overtime. 

Combined Federal Campaign

President Sombrotto is urging NALC members to reach out through the annual Combined Federal Campaign to help their neighbors who have been devastated by lay-off, health and physical problems, or other direct circumstances. In making your pledge card keep in mind the Postal Employees' Relief Fund, your local United Way, and any other charities of your choice that you wish to help. Additionally John Vito, AFL-CIO Central Labor Vice President and Branch Financial Secretary, requests that you donate to UOSS, Community Information and Referral Office, Number 4044 on the CFC list. Remember. UOSS is your FIRST CALL FOR HELP - 663-2255. 

Branch's First AFL-CIO Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to Henry A. Garcia, a member of the family of Branch member Fatimah Garcia, a Deptford carrier. Henry is the first relative of a 908 member to win an AFL-CIO Central Labor Union scholarship. Make us pround Henry! 

Next Wage Increase Effective November 22, 1997

The next wage increase will become effective November 22, when the basic annual salary for each grade and step shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.2 percent of the base annual salary for the grade and step in effect as of November 20, 1994. The next COLA increase will occur in the second full pay period following release of the January, 1998, CPI. 

Thanks For The Scholarship

"Dear Members of the Branch of 908:
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who put their time and effort into getting me scholarships for college. My family and myself appreciated your hard work. I can not believe that in a few weeks I will be sitting in a big lecture hall trying my best to understand what the teacher is telling us. It seemed just like yesterday that I was hopping onto the big yellow school bus headed to my first day of kindergarten class. Boy, how time flies. I just hope that college is not too difficult and challenging. I want to close by saying thank you again. Thank you, Mark Hall, Jr.

NALC's Own Retirement Community - NALCREST

NALCREST, NALC's own retirement community, currently has openings for new residents. Located near Lake Wales, FL, within easy traveling distance of Tampa, Orlando, and Miami, NALCREST's 153 acres contain 550 unfurnished apartments clustered into 66 small buildings. In addition to such recreational offerings such as as a pool, tennis, boating, fishing, golf range, bike paths, bocci and shuffleboard courts, the lakeside community includes a hobby center, auditorium, library, variety stores and the camaraderie of other retired carriers. Contact General Manager Jerry Bane, Box 6359, Nalcrest, FL 33856; 941-696-1121. 

NALC Embezzler & Husband Sentenced

Former NALC employee Pauline Blaser has been sentenced to 41 months incarceration for embezzling over $3.2 million from NALC during the period 1/87-95. The sentence, handed down on June 20, represented the maximum penalty under federal sentencing guidelines. Her husband earlier received a 12-month sentence for aiding and abetting. The Blasers have agreed to a civil judgment making them liable for restitution of the embezzled amount. 

Fee For Search & Duplication Of Information

Fees may be charged for search and duplication in accordance with the Administrative Support Manual, Section 352.621 and .622, except that the first 100 ages of duplication and the first two hours of search time will be furnished without charge. When the fees for the first 100 pages or the first two hours of search time are excludable, additional costs will not be assessed unless they exceed $10. 

Union Entitlement To Medical Records

The Union is entitled to medical records necessary to investigate or process a grievance even in cases where the employee involved does not authorize the release of the information. The Privacy Act does not bar the release of such information when it is necessary for collective bargaining purposes. (Administrative Support Manual, Appendix 120.09, EL-806, and Article 17 and 31, NA) 

Unfair Labor Charge Filed At Gibbstown

The Branch Shop Steward at Gibbstown has filed unfair labor charges against the management at Gibbstown for encouraging carriers to file and resolve grievances with management rather than go to the Union. 

District Injury Comp Office Faulted For Denial Of COP

The Officer of Workers' Compensation Programs, New York, has faulted the Bellmawr District injury comp office for denying a Deptford carrier's claim for COP and requiring him to use annual during the 45-day continuance of pay period he was entitled to. The carrier will be credited with the annual leave he was forced to use during the 45-day comp period for an injury which resulted from a traumatic injury. 

Branch Grievance Results

Marlton - Letter of warning issued for alleged expansion of street time reduced to an official discussion. (06297b)
Voorhees - Proposed 7-day suspension rescinded subsequent of remand of grievance back to Step 2. (110296)
Paulsboro -Grievant's to be paid additional OT hours up to 10 hours as specified in settlement for dates of 6/20, 6/21 and 30, 1997.(062097,062197, 063097)