Newsletter May 2002

A Note From the President

I would like to thank the members and their friends who came out to the Highland Tavern and made our COLCPE fund-raiser such a great success. We made $640 in four hours just by having a good time. Hats off to Norm Task, our COLCPE Chairman, for another job well done. A special thanks and debt of gratitude goes out to Donna Villec. Donna filled in for guest bartender John Vito when John decided that he could be more profitable to COLCPE by his sitting on the other side of the bar. Donna, who had just completed the March of Dimes Walkathon, took over as guest bartender, and served drinks with the utmost charm and friendliness. Thanks, Donna, for going above and beyond the call of duty. If you could not make the fundraiser, but would like to contribute towards your working future, send a check to COLCPE Chairman Norm Task, at 323 Third Ave., Haddon Hts., NJ, 08035.
Steve Lipski, President 

Next Meeting – May 15

The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 8 pm, at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. Regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except in July and August

Branch Officers & Shop Stewards Meeting – May 8

The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, May 8, 7:30 and 8 pm respectively. 

Joe Townsend Wins $250 Attendance Prize

Joe Townsend, a Branch 908 member working out of the Gloucester City Post Office was in attendance at the April 17 regular monthly meeting of the Branch and won the $250 attendance prize that was up for grabs. The prize now starts at $25 and increases to a maximum of $250 until a member’s name, present at a regular monthly meeting, is drawn. 

Sombrotto Not Seeking Re-election

According to reports coming out of the Indiana State Association of Letter Carriers’ Convention, Bill Young, NALC Executive Vice President, announced that he is running for the presidency of the National Association of Letter Carriers, and that President Sombrotto will not be seeking re-election. (Editor, Summit City Mailbag) 

Postage Rate Increase – June 30, 2002

First Class
37 cents – 1 ounce letter
23 cents – Post cards 

Tentative Agreement Reached On National Contract

The NALC and the USPS reached tentative agreement on a National Labor Contract at NALC Headquarters on April 24. The agreement provides for five general wage increases:

  • 1.8% retroactive to November 17, 2001
  • 1.5% in November, 2002
  • 1.2% in November, 2003
  • 1.3% in November, 2004
  • 1.3% in November, 2005

There will be a one-time cash payment to reflect the cost-of-living adjustment between October 2001 and July 2002, followed by regular semi-annual COLAs in March and September of 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. The agreement also calls for a 10.1 percent increase in a letter carrier’s uniform allowance, effective on a carrier’s employment anniversary date.

Other improvements include:

  • The position of “unassigned regular” is redefined.

  • Grade 2 Carrier Technicians are granted the same transfer rights as Grade 1 carriers when their route is transferred to a different installation.

  • Continuation of Memorandum for sick leave for dependent care and leave sharing .

  • Memorandums requiring the Postal Service to pay at least 70 percent of a grievance award if not paid within 60 days of the submission of the required documentation, and setting up Task Forces to schedule arbitrations at the regional level and also to develop an intervention process for DRT problem sites.

  • New language in Article 19 makes it easier for the NALC to monitor changes in handbooks and manuals.

The contract duration runs until November 20, 2006.
The tentative contract, approved by the NALC Executive Council, will be submitted to the active membership for ratification as soon as possible.

Wage Packages Compared

Union 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 COLA
Lump Sum
Mail Handlers 1.3% 1.9% 1.5% 1.3% $499
Clerks 1.2% 1.8% 1.4% N/A $499
Rural Carriers 1.2% 1.8% 1.4% 1.2% $499
NALC 1.8% 1.5% 1.2% 1.3% 1.3% semi-annual


Convention Delegates Next Meeting – May 29, 8 pm

The Branch Convention Delegates met on April 24. Due to previous commitments, 2 of 8 delegates absent were excused. A motion was made and approved by the delegates in attendance to excuse all of the delegates that missed the first meeting on February 26. A number of proposed amendments for consideration of the delegates at the National Convention were presented, discussed and will bear further discussion and consideration before submission to the National Convention. The Delegates in attendance did decide upon the purchase and wearing of Branch vests at the convention. The colors decided upon was royal blue, with gold logo and Branch identification printed on the vests. The next meeting of the delegates will be on Wednesday, May 29, 8 pm

Retirees’ & Branch Awards Breakfast

The annual Retirees’ and Branch Awards Breakfast, held on Sunday, April 21, was a huge success. Over 73 people attended the Breakfast. Steve Sweeney, New Jersey State Senator, Director of the Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders, and a Union Business Agent in his own right, presented this year’s retirees and award recipients with a NJ Senate and Assembly Citation for their years of service and dedication to their jobs and the NALC. National Business Agent Tim O’Malley and his assistant, Shelly Williams, graced us with their attendance as did Hal Crass, our Branch Attorney. It was great to see the number of Branch Officers and Shop Stewards who came out to add their acclaim to those being honored. Previous retirees who came out included, Tom Barnett, Jack Bittner, Harry Breyer, Ed Carola, Gill Gurran, Bud Dermond, Allen Gray, Ed Horner, Phil Juhring, Carlo Marta, Sam Procopio, Cliff Rhone, Less Styron, Norm Task, John Vito, Ed Friel, and Dave Singleton. Those who passed on and were remembered in our prayers: J. B Webb, Harry Brumbaugh, Jim Carson, George Murdock, Harry Walker, George Foster, R. E. Garrison, and Cleon Christides

Postal Service Vital Statistics

  • The Postal Service is the second largest civilian employer in the US (Wal-Mart is first) with more than 750,000 employees
  • In 2001 the PO delivered 207 billion pieces of letter mail, periodicals, advertising, and packages to 138 million addresses 6 days a week.
  • The PO delivers 48 percent of the world’s mail volume.
  • In one week the PO delivers the same volume as UPS delivers in 1 year. In 2 days the PO delivers the equivalent of Federal Express annual volume.
  • Each mail carrier delivers an average 2,300 pieces of mail per day on routes that average over 500 addresses.
  • Every year the PO adds nearly 1.7 million new homes and businesses its delivery network and processes more than 44 million change of addresses.


New Joint Step A Grievance Form

The office of our National Business Agent has announced that a new Joint Step A Grievance Form (PS Form 8190, April 2002), has been initiated. Copies of the form have been duplicated and can be found at the Union office on or the Branch web site. 

New Members

Roland G. Croxton – Phila. transfer, Office unknown
Jim Geliemi – Somerdale
F. D. Bocchicchio – Mt. Ephraim 

PTF Breaks

Break times for PTF carriers who work only a portion of a day performing carrier duties are implemented on a pro-rata basis, involving 4 equal segments of 2 hours each in an 8-hour day. A PTF carrier who works only 2 hours is entitled to a 5-minute break; 4 hours work would require a 10-minute break; 6 hours, one 10-minute and one 5-minute break, and 8 hours entitles the carrier to two 10-minute breaks. (M-00618) 

Branch Scholarships

The Branch has an established scholarship fund which provides for an annual $2000, four-year, $500 per year, scholarship for the children, grandchildren, step or adopted children of active or retired members of the Branch. The annual scholarship is awarded by way of a drawing from the names of those eligible who submit application for the scholarship. For further information and applications, contact Steve Rutkowski, Branch Scholarship Chairman. 

Branch Picnic 9/15/02
Fishing Trip 8/11/02

Branch Grievance Results

Merit System Protection Board

Woodbury – Grievant’s removal, based on charge of improper disposition of mail, canceled, and grievant restored to duty with back pay, interest, and benefits.

Pre-Arb Settlements
Blackwood – 37 carriers, who worked at Blackwood during the period 3/13 to 4/30/99, to receive one-time lump sum payment of $150 each. (032699)
Paulsboro – 8 hours at the regular overtime rate will be divided among the carriers on the overtime desired list during the period that included 8/18/99. The Union to determine who will be compensated. (081899A/B)
Paulsboro – Grievant’s letter of demand reduced from $402.41 to $302.41. Grievant to make arrangement to repay debt within 5 days, or deduction of $102.81 will be made per pay period. (090700B)
Paulsboro – A one on one meeting of the OIC and grievant resulted in an understanding and assurance that the grievant will be treated fairly.( 061899)
Voorhees – 4 grievants will be paid 4 hours each at the overtime rate for 10/12/99. (102399A)
Voorhees – Grievant will be paid 1/2-hour at the overtime rate. (101499A)


Management Bonuses (cont.)

Office Name Position Bonus
Marlton Philip Koehler III C/S Supv $1,943.66
Marlton Coretta O’Neal C/S Supv $107.41
Mt Ephraim Rickey Delp Postmaster $2,216.15
National Park Francis Rozniakowski Postmaster $834.00
Paulsboro George Dickson Postmaster $2,460.03
Paulsboro Terri Hood C/S Supv $1,507.82
Penns Grove Kenneth Dennis C/S Supv $2,002.17
Pennsville Charles Lafferty Postmaster $2,305.96
Pennsville James Logan Jr. C/S Supv $1,780.07
Pitman Gary Carrasquillo Postmaster $2,123.58
Pitman Eric Strickon C/S Supv $2,347.98
Riverton Joe Murtin C/S Supv $1,637.99
Riverton Richard O’Toole C/S Supv $2,002.17
Riverton David Pignatello Postmaster $2,030.04
Runnemede Joe Fort Jr. C/S Supv $2,002.17
Runnemede Charles Schang Postmaster $2,229.05
Salem Eileen Muzzi Postmaster $2,271.77
Salem Ronald Townsend C/S Supv $1,708.35
Sewell John Eden C/S Supv $3,041.25
Sewell John Galan C/S Supv $1,032.00
Sewell Catherine Knox Postmaster $2,460.49
Somerdale Nadine Mims Postmaster $1,691.89
Stratford Robert Brauns C/S Supv $1,991.37
Stratford Granville Pendlebury Postmaster $2,229.05
Swedesboro Steven Marcus C/S Supv $1,555.54
Swedesboro Joe Vannucci Postmaster $2,341.39
Wenonah Marianne Derham Postmaster $2,229.05
West Berlin Leonard Giancaterino Postmaster $2,142.94
Westville Robert Diepold Postmaster $2,337.77
Westville Joe Garrity C/S Supv $1,980.25
Williamstown Charles Haines C/S Supv $1,601.97
Williamstown Beverly Kulikowski Postmaster $2,580.91
Williamstown James McFadden C/S Supv $107.41
Woodbury John Barnes Postmaster $2,463.68
Woodbury George Ford C/S Supv $900.81
Woodbury Clarence Hug C/S Supv $1,674.92
Woodbury Ed McWilliams C/S Supv $1,707.48
Woodbury David Miranda C/S Supv $1,917.65
Woodbury Larry Spera Assoc Supv $303.54
Woodstown Joseph Dietterick Postmaster $876.83
Bellmawr Donna Bowers H/R Spec $1,741.64
Bellmawr Mike Brose Dist. Mgr $15,189.50
Bellmawr Deborah Gerace H/R Spec $1,847.24
Bellmawr Theresa Hensel L/R Spec $2,328.21
Bellmawr Andy Keen L/R Spec $1,995.94
Bellmawr Isacce Morris L/R Spec $2,333.64
Bellmawr George Peters L/R Spec $2,577.57
Bellmawr Douglas Shiflet PO Op Mgr $2,702.88

For a complete list of the South Jersey District, Click Here