Newsletter March 98

Next Meeting -March 25
The regular monthly meeting of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except in July and August. The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be on Wednesday, March 25, 8pm at the Colonial Manor American Legion Post Home, 502 Colonial Ave., Woodbury. Please note that we will be meeting on the 4th Wednesday, March 25, as opposed to March 18, due to the Washington Congressional Breakfast at which most of the Branch Officers will be in attendance.


Branch Officers, Exectutive Board Meetings - March 11
The branch Officers and the Executive Board meeting are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers meets at 7pm., and the executive Board at 8pm. The next meetings of the Board of Officers and the Executive Board will be on Wednesday, March11, at 7 and 8 pm. respectively.


Attendance Prize - $200
Active member J W Dean, Stratford carrier, would have been the recipient of the $175 attendance prize at the February meeting had he been in attendance. The prize now stands at $200 for the March meeting on March 25.


Bridgeton Votes to Merge
As we went to press, word was received from Bridgeton's Branch 538 Vice President Don Connelly, that Bridgeton letter carriers had voted overwhelmingly to merge will be put before Branch 908's general membership at the April meeting for consideration in accordance with the NALC constitution. Welcome Aboard , Bridgeton!


1998 Branch Budget Approved
The membership in attendance and voting at the Branch meeting on February 18 voted unanimously to approve and adopt the 1998 Branch Budget proposed by the Branch Board of Officers. The Budget estimated receipts and expenditures for 1998 of $199,830.00.


Maple Shade Votes In Favor Of Article 41.3.0
The Letter Carrier Craft at Maple Shade, represented by this Branch, voted 12 to 10 to retain the provisions of Article 41.3.0 in their local memorandum of understanding. There had been a movement afoot at Maple Shade to delete the provisions of 41.3.0 on a one-time basis.


1998 Route Inspections

Atco - 3/7/98  West Berlin - 3/7/98   Sewell - 3/21/98   Pennsville - 4/4/98


National Convention Delegates Meeting March 5, 1998, 7pm.
$370,640.00 Bonus Paid South Jersey District Management

Elwood Mosley          District Manager                     $15,608.35
Douglas Shiflet        Mgr. Operations                      $3,985.17
Frank Quigley          Mgr. Finance                         $9,394.20
John McClure           Sr. Oper. Analyst                    $3,979.39
Alfred Edmonds         Sr. EEO Specialist                   $3,613.09
Enrique Caldas         Eeo Counslor                         $3,310.84
Richard Solomon        Sr.Labor Rel. Spec.                  $3,839.45
Theresa Hensel         Labor Rel. spec.                     $3,551.94
Ed O'neill             Sr. Safety/Health                    $3,059.77
Brenda Pearson         Gen.Supr. Mark-up                    $2,802.49
Larry Rogers           Human Res. Assoc.                    $573.77


George Dennison        Postmaster                           $3,979.39
Daniel Fean            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,467.97


Denise Mason           Postmaster                           $2,823.46
Anthony Alberti        Supvr. Cust. Svc,                    $1,088.80
Nancy Keenan           Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $728.32


Willard Gillespie      Postmaster                           $3,456.22


Darlene Giberson       Postmaster                           $3,456.22
Walter Gallagher       Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11


Patricia Gary          Postmaster                           $3,807.54
David Apgar            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,208.63


John Capotosti         Postmaster                           $3,456.22


Lynda Shiflet          Postmaster                           $2,717.11
Robert Vollaro         Supvr.Cust. Svc.                     $2,722.67
Daniel Hickey          Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11
Clarence Hug           Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,193.71

Haddon Heights

John Barnes            Postmaster                           $3,696.41


Henry Lewandowski      Postmaster                           $3,807.54
James Hacker           Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11


Rufus Wade             Postmaster                           $2,685.35


Robert Morabito        Postmaster                           $2,518.58


Nelson Daniels         Postmaster                           $3,456.22
Daniel Charlton        Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $3,150.94

Maple Shade

Margie Flore-Jones     Postmaster                           $3,489.09
Dennis Powers          Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,843.32
Robert Potts           Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,639.32


Richard Finnegan       Postmaster                           $9,394.20
Philip Doehler         Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,968.28
Donald Eley            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11
Wilbert Anderson       Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,469.68

Mt. Ephraim

James Kenney           Postmaster                           $3,456.22

National Park

Anthony Roccia         Postmaster                           $3,182.53


George Dickson         Postmaster                           $3,807.54
Lyle Eastlack          Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11

Penns Grove

Ruth Eller             Postmaster                           $3,655.80
Denneth Dennis         Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11


Sue Orr                Postmaster                           $4,159.58
Judy Mahaffey          Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,570.73


Anthony Ciallella      Postmaster                           $3,807.54
Hunter Lewis           Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $  146.03


Jeffrey Cohen          Postmaster                           $3,320.42
Richard O'Toole        Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11
Joseph Murtin          Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $1,871.58


Joseph Forster         Postmaster                           $3,456.22
Joseph Fort            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11


Eileen Muzzi           Postmaster                           $3,380.92
Ronald Townsend        Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,214.09


Marlene Muhammad       Postmaster                           $3,973.60
Charles Dun            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11
D. Routzahn            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,582.83


Catherine Knox         Postmaster                           $3,537.44
John Sees              Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,037.75


Granville Pendlebury   Postmaster                           $3,456.22
Robert Brauns          Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,654.79


Joseph Vannucci        Postmaster                           $3,456.03


Donald Speechley       Postmaster                           $3,606.81
Jphn Glenn             Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,544.27
Shawn Jones            Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,181.19


Marianne Derham        Postmaster                           $3,456.22
Elizabeth Tarrant      Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,487.78

West Berlin

Leonard Giancaterino   Postmaster                           $2,841.75


Robert Diepold         Postmaster                           $3,561.53
Joseph Garrity         Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,647.80


Beverly Kulikowski     Postmaster                           $4,001.82
Jocelyn Kinsler        Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2.396.69
Charles Haines         Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $1,447.10


George Donahue         Postmaster                           $4,026.08
Donna Harrington       Suprv. Cust. Svc.                    $2,706.11
Salvatore Riccardi     Suprv. Cust. Svc.                    $2,613.86
Randall Norman         Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,572.55
Elizabeth Scelso       Supvr. Cust. Svc.                    $2,564.79


William Worrilow       Postmaster                           $3,232.25


Article 12 Withholding
According to a memo under date of February 28. 1998, to all Postmasters, they have been advised to ensure that they are not withholding further vacancies (after 10/16/97) under the provisions of Article 12.5.B.2. of the National Agreement. They have been advised to post and fill residual vacancies subsequent to 10/16/97 if a review indicates a continuing need to fill such vacancies. Vacancies withheld under Article 12 prior to 10/16/97 are not to be posted and filled.


Medical Documentation For Day Before and After Holiday
"While a supervisor has discretion to request medical certification, such discretion must be exercised on a case-by-case basis rather than requiring that all employees submit certification for absences on a certain day. In a national level settlement, M-00662, NALC and USPS agreed that local management's requirement that substantiation for illness must be submitted by any and all carriers absent on the day following a holiday was "contrary to national policy." (NALC Contract Administration Unit)


Branch Grievance Results
Voorhees - Both carriers have chosen how they will carry 4th bundle in the future(routes4311&4326).(031397)
Voorhees - Grievant to be paid 2 hours straight time pay for time management spent relabeling his case. (031397A)
Voorhees - Accusations by management without proof will stop. Zero tolerance is the new motto. (031897)
Voorhees - Letter of warning to be removed in 6 months if no future problem. (032897)
Voorhees - Local agreement will be honored in the granting of annual leave. (033197)
Voorhees - No monetary remedy. All routes were posted in accordance with the contract. (040297)
Voorhees - Letter of warning removed. Grievance time will be granted in a timely matter in the future. (040397)
Voorhees - Grievant will not be forced to take bad DPS to the street in the future. (042197)
Swedesboro - Route adjustments will be implemented immediately. Local parties will discuss issue of monetary remedy. If monetary remedy cannot be reached, the issue may be appealed to arbitration. (111197)
Gloucester - 8 hours of AL above the allowable percentage on a day of his choice will be granted the grievant no later than 5/31/98. (111297A)
Paulsboro - 5 PTF's awarded a total of $100.00 to be divided among the carriers involved as determined by the Union for failure to pay Sunday premiums. (122797A)
Marlton - Proposed suspension reduced to a letter of warning. (0101898C)
Marlton - Proposed suspension reduced to a letter of warning. (0101898B)
Marlton - Grievant paid an additional four (4) hours at the regular rater for being forced to work his designated holiday on which casuals were not maximized. (010898C)
Somerdale - Letter of warning for failure to be regular in attendance reduced to a discussion. (011298)
Pennsville - Grievance sustained. Carriers' leave requests approved. (012798)
Paulsboro - Grievance sustained. All 3971 leave requests must be returned within time frame established in LMOU. (012998A)
Paulsboro - Grievance sustained. All forms pertinent to carrier duties will be made readily available on a daily basis. (012998D)


Arbitrator Reduces Removal For Accident Involvement to 14-day Suspension
A letter carrier in Atlantic City was removed from the Postal Service on April 29, 1997, for his involvement in a motor vehicle accident. Under date of February 13, 1998, Arbitrator B R Skelton found that the removal was not for just cause, reduced the removal to a 14-day suspension, reinstated the grievant, and made him whole. The arbitrator found that the greivant was disparately treated. He was not convinced that a single accident in a nine-year exemplary Postal Service career warranted removal, especially in view of the fact that the greivant had a five-year safe driving award, an accident and discipline-free record, and was an above average employee. The grievant was represented by NALC advocate Bill Revak.


Overtime: Week of Count & Inspection
The overtime provisions of Article 8 and the associated Memorandums of Understanding remain in full force and effect during the week of count and inspection except that henceforth: a. On the day accompanied by a route examiner, carriers not on the list may be required to work OT in order to allow for completion of the inspection. b. On other days during the week of inspection, when a carrier counts mail, management may required carriers not on the overtime desired lists to work overtime on their own route for the amount of time used to count the mail. (pre-arb decision