Newsletter March 2008

President Lipski Recuperating

For those of you who didn’t know, Branch President Steve Lipski suffered a heart attack on February 13. On February 18, he underwent quadruple-bypass heart surgery. Everything went well and as of this writing, Steve is now home recuperating. Anyone wishing to send Steve a get well card, can do so at the following address:
Steve Lipski
218 Orlando Ave.
Gloucester, NJ 08030
, do not phone Steve or drop in to visit him, he needs this time to rest and recuperate.
In the interim, per the Branch By-Laws, while Steve is incapacitated, Branch Vice-President, Gary DiGiacomo is the acting Branch President. Please direct any and all Branch business or questions that would normally go to the President, to Gary. He can be reached at


Next Meeting – March 19

The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 8 p.m., at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m., except during the months of July and August.


Branch Officer & Shop Stewards Meetings Wednesday – March 12

The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, March 12, 7:30 and 8 p.m. respectively.


Attendance Prize Now At $75

Had he been in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on Wednesday, February 20, Larry Trimmer, a member out of the Pitman office, would have been the recipient of the $50 attendance prize. The prize now increases to $75 and will increase $25 per meeting, up to a maximum of $250, until a member in attendance has their name drawn.


From The VP’s Case

“Do as I say not as I do,” that is the latest hypocrisy coming from the district regarding the sick leave being used throughout the area. In a memo being circulated to postmasters from the “POOM” it appears the amount of sick leave being used “continues to increase seemingly unabated despite numerous attempts over the last few years to find solutions.”
The memo goes on to say that the worst offenders of this abuse are, hold on to your hats people, supervisors and postmasters! What do you think about that? Do you think they will try to discipline “their own?” Not a chance if you ask me. What they plan on doing is having another training session focusing on ways to reduce sick leave usage. They will be trying to find patterns that employees may be using in order to take action against them. Boy this is something new isn’t it?
Maybe the reason management is using more sick leave is they are tired of being micro-managed by their bosses on a daily basis by trying to make unrealistic numbers! It is pretty bad when the stuffed shirts can’t figure out why their supervisors and postmasters are finding reasons not to come to work.
On another front I want to explain a couple of issues that need to be addressed for our members benefit when it comes to understanding DOIS.
We have had a lot of complaints about the continual use of DOIS when it comes to your daily workload and whether your route has under-time.
The first exercise I suggest everyone to do is ask your manager to show you the projected office time column on the DOIS report. Look at this column to see how much office time they have you projected to use. If it says 2 hours and your street time is 6 hours then you should not be under for the day. I would be willing to bet that if your office hasn’t been inspected in awhile your numbers would show you are under for the day. That is why you need to be vigilant when your supervisor tells you that you are under and challenge him to show you the actual numbers they are using. If they want to use DOIS, let’s make them show us the data.
Another item that needs to be addressed is the credit you are NOT getting on ADVO days. When they tell you DOIS has you 30 minutes under on ADVO days it means you are probably on time. The reason being the time to prepare these circulars, whether you do it in the office or the street, is not calculated into DOIS. All you get is an average for the week, not the actual time.
Don’t be intimidated or coerced into accepting these times without justification.
Gary DiGiacomo


Branch 908 Dinner/Dance and Retiree’s Banquet – Saturday, April 19

This year in place of the traditional Retirees Breakfast Buffet that we normally hold, the Branch has decided to honor this year’s retirees at a dinner/dance banquet. The banquet will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2008 from 6pm – 10pm at Nicolosi’s Catering, 1 Hessian Ave. Woodbury, NJ. For those of you who have never been to Nicolosi’s, you are in for a treat. It is a beautiful facility with excellent food. We have a DJ in place to make sure that everyone has a good time. So come out and enjoy a night of Good Friends, Great Food, and Excellent Wine & Spirits & Fantastic Music. The following members of the Branch who have retired since our last Breakfast will be honored and presented with tokens of appreciation. If you have retired since the last Breakfast or you will retire before April 19 and your name is not on this list, contact the Branch Recording Secretary, Norm Spence at

Mike Boston (Marlton) Gary Depew (Riverton)
Robert Doherty (Marlton) Rebecca Fergosi (Riverton)
Jennie Feyt (Atco) Michael Foley (Gloucester)
Christina Gray (Mantua) Harry Harrison (Sewell)
J. V. Hillman (Woodbury) Arnold Moore (Gloucester)
Jeff MacMahon (Bridgeton) Lee Wolbert (Bridgeton)
Michael Sheridan (Haddon Hts) Richard Sinclair (Marlton)

Those being honored will receive one free ticket to the Banquet. All other Branch members, family, friends and acquaintances are encouraged to attend at a cost of $20 pp. Current Branch retirees will receive one ticket for half price ($10).
Tickets may be picked up from Branch Recording Secretary Norm Spence at any Branch meeting, or by mailing the form below with checks made out to NALC Branch 908, to PO Box 45, Pennsville, NJ 08070.

(please print)

Check One:      Honoree (   )     Retiree (   )     Other (   )

Total Number Attending: _________

Honorees – Free          Retirees – $10          All Others – $20

Amount of remittance enclosed: _________

Send to PO Box 45, Pennsville, 08070 by April 10


Last Chance For Nominations For Shop Steward Of The Year

This year the Branch is initiating a Shop Steward of the Year Award, to be awarded at the annual Branch retirees banquet. There is a nomination form available online at For those of you without computer access, you can pick up nomination forms at the Branch meetings or simply write on a piece of paper the following information: Name of Steward being nominated, Office, Person making nomination (must be from Steward’s office), and a brief statement as to why you feel this person should be the Branch 908 Steward of the year for 2008, including accomplishments, knowledge of the contract, ability to deal with co-workers and management, communication skills, and dedication to the NALC. In other words, what makes this person special?
All submissions must be received by March 15, 2008.
The winner will be selected by the awards committee and kept confidential until the presentation at the banquet.
Mail completed submissions to:
Branch 908 Steward Of The Year
PO Box 45
Pennsville, NJ 08070


March Of Dimes March For Babies 2008 – Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Branch is looking for walkers to participate in the March of Dimes March For Babies 2008 (formerly WalkAmerica) to help fund research on a new epidemic threatening our babies – premature birth. Each year, more than 40,000 babies are born too soon. It’s the leading cause of newborn death and many disabilities. The 5-mile walk starts out at Challenge Grove Park, Cherry Hill, 9 am. Check in begins at 8 am. To sign up or get more information about our team, contact Branch Trustee Donna Villec at 856-287-6215. Register with Donna and set a goal of at least $25. Bring a friend and walk!


Drive Out Agreements

This article is mostly for our new TEs and PTFs, but also concerns any carrier that chooses to use his/her personal vehicle for Postal work.
If you are using your personal vehicle to do Postal work, make sure that you request and fill out a PS 1164-E (Local Travel Expense form). If your supervisor won’t give you one, you can download it from our web page at This form will reimburse you for the mileage that you use, paid at the federal reimbursement rate.
If you are involved in an accident while using your vehicle to do Postal work, the Postal Service must cover any damages to other vehicles or property that are found to be your fault. However, the Postal Service will not cover any damage to your personal vehicle.
To cover your vehicle, you must inform your insurance company that you are using your vehicle for work, and they will adjust your premium accordingly. I’m sure that you’ll find that this will not be cheap. If you have an accident and haven’t informed them that you are using your vehicle for work purposes, and still try to pursue a claim, this is fraud, and you may be prosecuted.
Although we do not advise anyone to use his or her vehicle, the bottom line is that it is your decision, just make sure that you are being compensated for it and that you are covered in case of an accident.


Branch Honorees Needed

Any member, who wishes to nominate another Branch member to receive a Branch award at the Dinner/Dance and Retiree’s Banquet, must do so ASAP. Nominations must be submitted in writing to NALC Branch 908 Awards Committee, PO Box 45, Pennsville, NJ 08070. Nominations must include the name and work location of both the Branch member making the nomination as well as the member being nominated. Any member chosen to receive a Branch Award will be mailed a letter informing him/her that they are to be honored and inviting them to the Banquet.


TE’s Who Are Promoted PTFs

Just a reminder to any TEs who are promoted to PTF that the Postal Service does not automatically continue your dues withholding. Therefore, after you are promoted, you must fill out a new Form 1187 to continue your membership in the NALC.


Contract COLA $458 – Effective March 15

The next regular cost-of-living adjustment under the 2006-2011 National Agreement will be $458 annually and will be effective the pay period beginning March 15 (pay date April 4). The new COLA is equivalent to 22 cents per hour, or $17.60 per pay period. It raises the total annual pay for top rate carriers (CC Grade 1, Step O) to $51,251.


Thanks Branch 908

Brothers and Sister of Branch 908, Thank you so very much for the donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in my father’s name. Your thoughtfulness and prayers during this sad time will never be forgotten! – Jeff Breyer & Family
We shall always remember with deep gratitude your comforting expression of sympathy. – Jack Jewell & Family
Thank you for your kind words and generosity during our time of need. The kindness you have shown will always be remembered. – Charles Greene & Family
To Branch 908, I take this time to thank you for your kind gift and thoughts in my time of sorrow. – Sincerely, Debbie Amaranto
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for the donation in the memory of our father Harry Breyer. Your generosity and support during this difficult time was greatly appreciated. – The Breyer Family
Thank you for your thoughtful gift in memory of Mr. B. Neil Strang. All of us associated with Fox Chase Cancer Center are deeply grateful for your generosity. Your thoughtful contribution helps to bring us closer to the day when no one has to endure the suffering that cancer brings. – Fox Chase Cancer Center
Thank you for your generous contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter in memory of Mr. Harry Breyer. – The Alzheimer’s Association
We are please to receive your gift in memory of Charles Spencer Bush. – Camden County Chapter – American Red Cross
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you personally for your gift to the St. John’s Memorial Fund, in special tribute to the memory of Charles Greene. – Rev. John J. Koch, St. John’s Church
On behalf of the Gloucester County Department of Health and Senior Services, I want to thank you for your gracious donation to the Caregiver Support Program in honor of William “Pat” Suters. – Cindi Furman, Caregiver Support Program Manager