Brothers and Sisters, as we head into the summer months it appears the heat will not just be from that scorching sun, but the district is looking to annoy the workforce once more because of their dismal record in that all important NPA! What is NPA you ask? Well, the National Performance Assessment, or NPA, is an evaluation process that the Postal Service uses to measure how all their Districts are doing. They have approximately 20 categories they are measured on, and based on how they are performing; they are rated on how they measure up against the other districts. There are 75 districts in the country and it appears the “kings” district is number 75! WOW! Can you believe in one short year he went from first to worst! I can, because everything that was done last year was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. It seems like everything is now starting to surface that shows what is really going on in this district.
One of the big issues is missed scans, which as you all have noticed, is really becoming a focal point. Discipline is being issued for missing scans, even though there is no proof carriers are actually missing them. Grievance settlements continue to add up, which must be another item that is charted. Sick leave usage is running higher than they would like, so they are trying to discipline carriers on their attendance to try to get them to stop calling out. Oh well, I could go on and on but you get my drift. Just remember, do your job each day by hitting all your scans, take your time to make sure you hit them. Do not put yourself in a position where you are being rushed and may forget to hit them. Be professional!
On another note, I am not sure if this summer will be a repeat of last year with the forced overtime, but if it is, make sure you keep us abreast so we can file the appropriate grievances to try to put an end to this blatant violation of our contractual rights. This will be our last newsletter until September, so hopefully by then we will have some more news to report on JARAP, since it is just getting underway as I write this month’s newsletter. I hope that I will have some of the latest information to report at this month’s regular meeting. Hope to see everyone come out and join us for shrimp, wings and a cold beverage, as we close out our meetings until the fall. Have a safe and healthy summer.
Gary DiGiacomo – President
We are beginning to hear about managers giving direct orders, “not to identify every piece of mail you deliver.” You indentify the first piece, try to find the last piece and in it goes. It does not matter if the machine sorted it or a router. If your manager orders you to do this, report it to your steward. We are also beginning to see discipline being an issue based on a manager ordering you to complete your route by an exact time (based on DOIS) and if you are not back by that time, you have “failed to follow instructions.” This violates an already agreed upon settlement. This branch is not ok with just filing grievances on issues already settled. Our branch is sending 15 delegates to the NALC convention in Anaheim California on August 8 thru August 13. Delegates are required to be in attendance at the general meeting each day from “gavel to gavel.” In addition, they are required to attend at least two workshops during the week. There will be many opportunities to ask questions on any concerns our members have. Ask your shop steward to get the information to our delegates or contact the delegates directly.
Notice to all delegates: There is going to be one more delegates meeting. I will contact each delegate to TRY to find a date convenient for everyone.
Steve Rutkowski – Vice President
A dedicated union delegate was attending a convention in California and decided to check out the local brothels. When the union delegate got to the first one, the Madam was asked, “Is this a union house?” “No,” she replied. “Well, if I paying you $100; what do the girls get?” “The house gets $80 and the girls get $20,” she answered. Mightily offended at such unfair dealings, the union delegate stomped off down the street in search of a more equitable, hopefully, unionized shop. The search continued until finally the delegate reached a brothel where the Madam responded, “Why yes, this is a union house. We observe all union rules.” The delegate asked, “So, if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?” “The girls get $80 and the house gets $20.” The eager delegate shouted “That’s more like it!” The delegate paid the Madam $100, looked around the room and pointed to a stunningly attractive blonde and said “I’d like her!” “I’m sure you would,” said the Madam. Then she gestured to the sweet elderly woman in the corner, “but Ethel here has 53 years seniority and she’s next.”
Steve Rutkowski – Vice President
Well, summer is near, and vacations are here. To all members and their families have a healthy summer. In the fall, another Open Season will be here. Remember our National Union runs the NALC Plan; their interest is to protect you and your family. Because of some health issues, please send your Optical Plan reimbursements to my home address at: 5 Payne Ave. Runnemede, NJ 08078; 856-933-2649. I hope to see you in the fall.
Fred Mendel – HBR
The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, June 16, 8 p.m., at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m., except during the months of July and August. This will be the last meeting before September. There is also no newsletter published in July or August.
The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, June 9, 7:30 and 8 p.m. respectively. The Branch Officer and Shop Steward meetings are also not held in July and August.
As is the custom for our last meeting before breaking for summer, there will be shrimp and wings after the regular meeting on Wednesday, June 16.
Had he been in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on Wednesday, May 19, Vance Shepherd a member out of the Deptford Office would have been the recipient of the $125 attendance prize. The prize now increases to $150 and will increase $25 per meeting, up to a maximum of $250, until a member in attendance has their name drawn.
GRIEVANCE LOG – (Step B Results)
Stratford: Management violated Article 7 of the National Agreement when they borrowed TE’s on more than an occasional basis. As a remedy five carriers to receive $51.00 each for a total of $255.00.
Paulsboro: Management violated Article 8 of the National Agreement on 4 occasions, when forcing non-otdl carriers to work when ODL and TE carriers were available to do the work. As a remedy for the 4 grievances a total of $150.00 to be paid to the ODL and TE carriers.
Voorhees: Management violated Article 1 of the National Agreement when they changed the case labels on carrier’s cases. As a remedy, the affected carriers will be 7 hours at the straight time rate for doing bargaining unit work. (Approximate value $190.00)
Voorhees: Management violated Article 7 of the National Agreement when they improperly borrowed a TE on more than an occasional basis. As a remedy a cease and desist is appropriate in this instance.
National Park: Management violated Article 10 and 19 of the National Agreement and section 519 of the ELM when they did not grant administrative leave to carriers for their early dismissal due to adverse weather conditions on February 10. As a remedy, two carriers will have their leave changed from annual to administrative.
Applications are being accepted for the “Drew Walters Branch 908 Scholarship” drawing. The drawing will be held on Wednesday, June 16 at the regular Branch meeting. The scholarship is open to all children, grandchildren, stepchildren (living with Member) and adopted children of all active or retired branch members. The entry form is available on our branch website,, at our meetings or by contacting our new scholarship coordinator: Shawn McBride, 1204 Huntingdon Mews, Clementon, NJ 08021
Just some reminders to all members, we still have clean free uniforms at the hall please call me at 609-932-9913. Also Trustee, Shawn McBride now handles Mutual Benefit Association (MBA). If you need more information please contact Shawn at 856-649-9317. The Branch has on retainer the firm of Uliase & Uliase, which handles OWCP cases. The Branch Members will be provided with a free initial consultation (up to 1 hour) concerning their rights and obligations under the Federal Employees Compensation Act. Their address is 106 White Horse Pike, Haddon Heights, NJ 08035 and they can be reached at 856-310-9002. In addition, we still have Hal Crass of Pearson & Crass on retainer as Branch attorney for all your other legal matters. He is located at 59 North Broad Street, Woodbury NJ 08096 and can be reached at 856-845-7900. Hope to see everyone at our last meeting before we break for summer.
Jim Comuso, Sr., Chairman of the Board of Trustees
We will be conducting our Fourth Annual Eagles Season Ticket Raffle for our political action fund (“COLCPE”). Tickets were distributed to all Shop Stewards at the April Executive Board meeting. This is our only fundraiser for COLCPE for the entire year; therefore, Shop Stewards are expected to sell all tickets. Ticket money is due by the end of July. Last year’s winner was Vince Castagna out of Blackwood. If you have questions or need tickets, see Trustee, Donna Villec or Recording Secretary, Mike Powell.
We will be running a fundraiser to Delaware Park on Columbus Day, October 11 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; cost $15 per person; there is a cap of 100 people. Anyone interested in attending please contact Steve Lipiski at (856) 430-0398.
We now have tee shirts available with our new Branch logo for $12. Anyone interested in purchasing a tee shirt, please contact Recording Secretary, Mike Powell at (856) 287-8768 or at
In Biscayne Park, Florida, you’ll find old tree-lined streets, a new park, a unique village hall, even world famous Episcopal priest Cutie. But even Father Cutie has to head outside the village limits to mail a letter after every mailbox was removed from the area. Maria Camara, a longtime resident of Biscayne Park, was shocked when her mailbox was suddenly missing one day. “I’ve been a resident here 24 years, very convenient, come around the corner and put our mail in here, never had a problem and now it’s gone,” she said. The 3,200 residents of the village in the eastern section of Miami-Dade County are so concerned they passed a resolution calling for the post office to put the mailbox back. “It was gone, overnight,” said Ana Garcia, Biscayne Park Village Manager. “We started having folks calling us, coming to village hall, inquiring about where their mailbox was, and we made some phone calls and they told us they had to take it.” The Post Office said with fewer people using the old school mail system, it’s too expensive to operate some of the drop boxes but that actually leaves the thousands not paying on line, or doing business with some companies that won’t accept electronic payments searching for a mailbox they can count on. Overall, it expects more mailboxes to be taken out this year. The Postal Service also said it is stopping taking out mailboxes right now while it does a study to see where the mail is being dropped off. Across South Florida, the Postal Service has removed over 450 mailboxes in the last two years, just short of a 20 percent drop and they said that trend will continue.
By: Williard Shepard
“Does the above sound familiar?” Instead of the Postal Service trying to get more business by putting more collection boxes out in our residential areas, they are discouraging business by removing the collection boxes out of the residential areas. Because of this inconvenience, people will now use the internet to pay their bills instead of being able to walk to the corner and drop their bills or letters in the collection box. They also are removing all the coin operated stamp machines, so the only way you can purchase any postage is if you have a debit or credit card. And, you cannot just buy one stamp. Go figure, our livelihood is providing a service to the public and this entails the selling of postage and the convenience of mailing letters, etc. It seems that the Postal Service is trying to go out of business instead of trying to find ways to stay in business.
Mike Powell, Recording Secretary
*If you need any assistance during the summer months call President, Gary DiGiacomo (856) 906-2838.