Newsletter January 2010

President’s Report

I want to start my first report as this branch’s 5th president by wishing everyone a Happy New Year. I also want to thank everyone for their confidence in electing me president and outgoing president Steve Lipski for his support in making this transition as smooth as possible.
The next few months will be a little hectic in our branch due to some new officers assuming new positions, but I am confident they will be a great asset to our local once they get familiar with their new duties. I ask for your patience as we make this transition.
I will promise everyone one thing. My approach will be no different from my past positions in regards to the problems we face on a daily basis. I will never waiver from a position if I believe it is in our best interests, even if it is unpopular from our national leaders. I have never been one to go with the flow if I believe it is the wrong approach. This approach has put me out of favor with some of our national leaders as you are all well aware, but that has never bothered me in the least because I had the members support. I am here to work for you, and I think sometime our leaders seam to forget they work for us as well!
I want to remind everyone that this year is going to be very challenging with a lot of things heading our way. We will be prepared to take on these hurdles, and with everyone’s support I believe we will prevail in all of our endeavors.
There are a few people I would like to acknowledge who put me in this position to be able to run this branch. Former branch president Bob Stoltz taught me everything I know today by taking the time and effort to educate me on how to protect carriers rights through the grievance procedure. I have to say without his help along the way I don’t believe I would have ever have been able to accomplish the things I have accomplished for this union. Thanks again Bob, keep collecting those retirement checks.
The next person is the founding father of this branch, Bill Revak. Bill instilled the fighter mentality in me as I watched and learned from his tenacious methods of arbitration advocacy. If you ever had the pleasure of watching Bill in action, you know what I am referring too. His never say die attitude and mental toughness has made me a better steward and officer, and I thank him for that.
Last but not least is outgoing President Steve Lipski. Steve’s knowledge of just about everything is another great attribute he has brought to this branch and has helped me become a better advocate for our members. One thing I admired him for was his honesty when I asked his opinion on certain issues whether he agreed with me or not.
Now on to what lies ahead for the branch. We will be doing a lot of different things in the upcoming year with the newsletter that I think many people will like, so stay tuned for future updates.
Also, this year we are doing something a little different for our installation of officers. I have asked former president Bill Revak to do the installation of the officers and he has accepted. I have the utmost respect for Bill, and felt what a better way to get my term started than being installed by the founding father of this branch and someone who I believe is what a union leader should be. Bill is what this union stands for and I respect him for his never wavering approach and look forward to his installing all of the officers.
Hope to see everyone attend the regular meeting in January for the installation of the officers. I believe now more then ever we need to become more involved into what is going on within the postal service and the best way to stay involved is to come out and attend a meeting.
Gary DiGiacomo



1. Please take note, the executive board meeting on FEB 10, 2010 is a must attend meeting. The National Business Agent will be giving training on some very important issues that we will be facing this year. Please mark your calendar.


Next Meeting – January20

The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, January 20 , 8 p.m., at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m.


Branch Officer & Shop Stewards Meetings Wednesday – January13

The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, January13, 7:30 and 8 p.m. respectively.


2010 Leave Year

The 2009 leave year ends on January 1, 2010, pay period 1-2010. The 2010 leave year will begin on January 2, 2010, pay period 2-2010. Employees will lose any annual leave that exceeds the 440-hour limit if it is not used by January 1, 2010.


From The Health Benefits Officer

Well, another successful open season for the NALC Health Care Plan, early numbers are in for Open Season, Net Increase 6,181 New Members!!! We would like to thank our National Director Tim O’Malley for putting a nice Health Care Package together for 2010, keep up the fine work Tim. Don’t forget January 1, 2010 starts the new year for eyeglasses.
Fred Mendel (856 933 2649)


Dates To Remember

January 10 – 12 Branch 38 Rap Session
February 21 – 23 Region 12 Rap Session
March 9 – 12 NJ State Congressional Breakfast
May 23 – 25 NJ State Rap Session
August 9 – 13  National Convention


New Branch Mailing Address

Due to the recent election of Mike Powell as the Branch Recording Secretary, it has become necessary to change the Branch’s mailing address from PO Box 45, Pennsville, NJ 08070 to PO Box 375, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Please use this address from now on for all Branch correspondences.


Branch Election Results 2006 – 2008

Vice President
Steve Rutkowski 204*
Norm Spence 174

Recording Secretary
Paul Poniatowski 112
Mike Powell 260*

Bill Gore 171
Fred Simpkins 212*
Shawn Bride 257*
George Greenwood 125
Bob Behm 101
Donna Villec 236*
Mike DiGiacomo 266*

( *Denotes Winner)

2010 Election Shop Steward Results
( Note : Write in votes are subject to candidate accepting the position)

No write in votes

Paul Sheets – 7 write in votes

Haddon Hts.
Heriberto Ortiz – 1 write in vote

No write in votes

Al DiSipio -2 write in votes

Maple Shade
Fred Simpkins – 2 write in votes ( ineligible)
Steve Nelson – 1 write in vote
Joe Shultz – 1 write in vote

Pete DeSimone – 28 *
April Gibbons – 6

Mt. Ephraim
Ken Walker – 2
Felix Bocchicchio -1
Bob Behm – 3*

Loretta Morris -4 write in votes

Clinton Proffitt – 4 write in votes
Norm Spence – 1 write in vote ( ineligible)

Jim Livingston – 7
Rose Stio -10 *

Paul Poniatowski -2 write in votes

No Votes

Michael Hanna -2 write in votes

West Berlin
George Greenwood – 1 write in vote ( ineligible)

Matt Dischert -3
Frank Matkowski -1
Jeff Ferry – 7 *

Norm Spence – 1 write in vote (ineligible)


Branch Election Committee

This is to publicly express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the following members of the Branch Election Committee who did an outstanding job of prepping for, mailing and tabulating the Branch 2010-11election ballots. Joe Forman (chairman) ,Mike Porter, James Costello, and John Ebinger


Attendance Prize Now At $25

The prize now stands at $25 and will increase $25 per meeting, up to a maximum of $250, until a member in attendance has their name drawn.