Next Meeting - February 17
The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except in July and August. The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be on Wednesday, February 17, 8pm. At the Colonial Manor American Legion Post home, 502 Colonial Ave., N. Woodbury.
Branch Officers, Executive Board Meetings - February 10
The Branch Officers and the Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers meets at 7pm. and the Executive Board at 8pm. The next meetings of the Board of Officers and the Executive Board will be on Wednesday, February 10, at 7 and 8pm. respectively.
Attendance Prize - $75
The Branch meeting attendance prize now stands at $75. Had he been in attendance at the last monthly meeting in January, B. Frame, Bellmawr letter carrier would have been the recipient of the $50 attendance prize. The prize increases in increments of $25 monthly until someone in attendance at a Branch meeting has his name drawn by the Sgt. at Arms.
Food Drive - Saturday, May 8
Larry Spera Chairs Branch Food Drive
The Branch has registered to participate in the National Food Drive carried out by the National Association of Letter Carriers and the United States Postal Service on Saturday, May 8. Again this year, the AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils and affiliated unions and local United Ways are ready to provide a helping hand. Larry Spera, Branch member working out of the Pitman office has volunteered to chair the food drive for the Branch.
City - Rural Jurisdictional Arbitration Award
"In any jurisdictional dispute prompted by conversion of a sizable number of deliveries from city to rural service, the union whose members have long performed the work presumptively retains the right to that work. However, worth in the abstract, operational justifications (such as a desire to square boundaries, eliminate commingling, and improve efficiency) do not by themselves overcome that presumption."
Annual Congressional Breakfast
The annual NJ Congressional Breakfast will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Wash., DC, March 16 - 18. Rap session on the evening of Wednesday, March 17.
'98 EVA Management Bonuses
District E Mosley District Manager $10483.26 W Broadway POOM $2299.22 J Coyle Cust Srvc Analyst $1876.48 V Evans Cust Srvc Analyst $1849.21 M Fleury Mgr Human Res $3068.91 T Hensel Labor Rel Spec $2401.21 J McClure Sr Oper Analyst $2671.60 I Morris Labor Rel Spec $2425.66 K Moyer POOM $3023.64 E O'Neill Sr Safety/Health $2381.27 R Overton Sr Inj Comp Spec $1966.49 G Peters Labor Rel Spec $2671.60 B Schroeder Mgr Oper Prog Sup $6262.52 D Shiflet Mgr PO Opers $2706.61 R Solomon Sr Labor Rel Spec $2577.64 Atco G Dennison Postmaster $2761.60 D Fean Supvr Cust Srvc $1766.98 Blackwood A Alberti Supvr Cust Srvc $1625.61 E Delasandro Supvr Cust Srvc $762.45 M Johnson Supvr Cust Srvc $203.86 D Mason Postmaster $2034.22 Bridgeton P Borgese Supvr Cust Srvc $1764.57 F Fleming Postmaster $2677.66 S Marcus Supvr Cust Srvc $935.06 R Waller Supvr Cust Srvc $1726.49 Gibbstown W Gallagher Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 D Giberson Postmaster $1382.48 Glassboro D Apgar Supvr Cust Srvc $1501.61 P Gary Postmaster $2556.21 Glendora J Capotosti Postmaster $2320.34 Gloucester D Hickey Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 L Shiflet Postmaster $2052.99 R Vollaro Supvr Cust Srvc $1949.32 Haddon Hts J Barnes Postmaster $2481.00 K Lafferty Supvr Cust Srvc $1465.12 Hammonton J Macker Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 H Lewandowski Postmaster $2558.21 Kirkwood - Voorhees J Glenn Supvr Cust Srvc $1821.61 D Speechley Postmaster $2435.28 S Jones Supvr Cust Srvc $1569.51 Lawnside J Kinsler Postmaster $1732.04 Magnolia R Morabito Postmaster $1826.43 Mantua D Charlton Supvr Cust Srvc $2115.40 D Daniels Postmaster $2320.34 Maple Shade M Flores-Jones Postmaster $2383.64 R Potts Supvr Cust Srvc $1689.67 D Powers Supvr Cust Srvc $2035.78 Marlton W Anderson Supvr Cust Srvc $1783.06 D Eley Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 R Finnegan Team Spec Proj $6246.39 P Koehler Supvr Cust Srvc $1187.31 J Miksit OIC $2125.17 Mt Ephraim J Kenney Postmaster $3456.21 National Park A Roccia Postmaster $2316.61 Paulsboro G Dickson Postmaster $2556.21 T Kristen-Wood Supvr Cust Srvc $730.39 Penns Grove K Dennis Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 R Eller Postmaster $6135.89 Pennsville J Mahaffey Supvr Cust Srvc $1840.55 S Orr Postmaster $2770.43 Pitman G Carrasquillo Postmaster $2086.56 Riverton J Cohen Postmaster $2303.53 J Murtin Supvr Cust Srvc $1436.66 R O'Toole Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 Runnemede J Forster Postmaster $2320.34 J Fort Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 Salem E Muzzi Postmaster $2297.50 R Townsend Supvr Cust Srvc $1593.18 Sewell C Dunn Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 M Muhammad Postmaster $2669.28 D Routzahn Supvr Cust Srvc $1849.21 Somerdale C Knox Postmaster $2347.89 J Sees Supvr Cust Srvc $1586.21 Stratford R Brauns Supvr Cust Srvc $1900.72 G Pendlebury Postmaster $2320.34 Swedesboro J Vannucci Postmaster $2357.73 Wenonah M Derham Postmaster $2320.34 C Hug Supvr Cust Srvc $1578.52 A Klink Supvr Cust Srvc $4398.04 West Berlin L Giancaterino Postmaster $2043.04 Westville R Diepold Postmaster $2393.70 J Garrity Supvr Cust Srvc $1895.72 Williamstown C Haines Supvr Cust Srvc $1270.41 B Kulikowski Postmaster $2686.64 D Mayo Supvr Cust Srvc $1454.30 Woodbury G Donahue Postmaster $2728.76 D Harrington Supvr Cust Srvc $1937.47 R Norman Supvr Cust Srvc $1841.64 S Riccardi Supvr Cust Srvc $1871.42 E Scelso Supvr Cust Srvc $1636.31 Woodstown W Worrilow Postmaster $2189.97
Rap Session February 21 - 23
The annual Region 12 RAP Session will be held at the TRUMP PLAZA hotel and casino on February 21, 22, and 23. The session begins at 9 am on Monday the 22nd and ends at 1 pm on Tuesday the 23rd. All Branch Officers and Shop Stewards are urged to attend. Let Vice President Steve Lipski know of your intentions so that he can remit the $10 registration fee for each person attending.
Branch Grievance Results
Deptford - Employees on the OTDL available at the time in question who had the least amount of OT for the quarter will be paid 1 hour OT for OT work performed by non OTDL carrier. (122398)
Blackwood - Letter of warning recinded because discussion was cited as an element of past record. (111698)
Blackwood - Letter of warning recinded because discussion was cited as element of past record. (111798)
Riverton - grievant paid 40 hours back pay, and all discipline will be removed on 10/5/99 as long as there is no similar, subsequesnt discipline issued. (100698A)
Voorhees - Resolved: management will provide requested documentation. (091598)
Maple Shade - Resolved: The parties at Step 3 have been informed that two PTF carriers will be obtained by the end of February, 1999.(110698)
Voorhees - Resolved: Management will ensure that the necessary paperwork for the settlements at issue will be completed expeditiously. Interest will be paid at the federal judgement rate. (092198)
Riverton - Resolved: The senior PTF will be promoted to full time and assigned the position vacated. (110698)
Voorhees - Resolved: Management will provide requested documentation. (091598)
Clayton - Resolved: The grievant's absence of 9/3/98 will be changed to annual leave. (091498)
Maple Shade - Resolved: In accordance with the joint agreement dated October 8, 1998, the previously agreed upon approach for handling unadressed flats must be adhered to unless the parties mutually agree to change. (091798)
Riverton - Resolved: Management will adhere to the local pecking order for holiday scheduling. In accordance with Article 11.6 of the National Agreement, management will post a holiday schedule as of the Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls. The schedule will include both the actual and designated holidays involved. Carriers Depew and Briles will be paid 8 hours at the appropriate rate for September 7, 1998. (091698)
Curbside Delivery Policy
The National and District policy on curbside delivery is as follows:
Employees performing curbside delivery from right hand drive vehicles, shall follow the procedures listed below:
1. Level street or road
Place the vehicle in neutral (N) place foot firmly on brake peddle while collecting mail or placing mail in mailbox.
2. On Hills
Place vehicle in park (P) place foot firmly on brake peddle while collecting mail or placing mail in mailbox. (Step 4 agreement, 12/21/77)
Providing Permanent Relief
In accordance with a national pre-arbitration settlement under date of December 11, 1987, when a route requires permanent adjustment to place it on as nearly an 8-hour basis as possible, permanent relief will be provided. Permanent relief will not be provided by giving auxiliary assistance or by requiring the regular carrier to work overtime.
Change In Backing Policy
"After reading the policy as written and evaluating various parking locations throughout our performance cluster, we will not "mandate" the backing policy for all privately owned vehicles parked on postal lots. Each Postmaster/Manager is however encouraged to evaluate the parking availability in his/her office (on a case by case basis) to determine if backing into the parking spaces provided can be accomplished safely." (District memo, 1/12/99, to all PM's SJD)
Proposed Branch Budget
The Branch Board of Officers has met and will be presenting the proposed Branch budget for 1999 at the February meeting for consideration of the Branch membership in attendance.