Newsletter February 2004

A Note From the Branch President

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
I have received some complaints about the repetition of financial reports at the regular monthly meetings. As I explained to the above members, the full disclosure of all monies received and disbursed by the Branch must be disclosed at the Branch meetings. This requirement is mandated by Federal Law and policed by the Department of Labor. In addition, each Branch Officer has a fiduciary responsibility to spend Branch funds as frugally as possible. It is the premise that the funds of the Branch belong to the members; the Officers are instruments entrusted to administer these funds for “the good of the Branch.” The financial reporting at Branch meetings insures that these principles are adhered to as closely as possible.
Steve Lipski


Next Meeting – February 18

The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, February 18, 8 PM, at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. The regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the third Wednesday of each month, 8 pm, except during the months of July and August.


February 11 – Next Branch Officer & Shop Stewards Meetings

The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, February 11, 7:30 and 8 PM respectively.


Attendance Prize Stands At $250

Had he been at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on January 21, B. J. Wittig of the Williamstown office would have been the recipient of the $250 attendance prize. The prize will continue to stand at $250, the maximum, until a member in good standing and present at a regular monthly meeting of the Branch name is drawn.


COLCPE All-Stars

Joe Walder, Shop Steward at the Woodbury/Deptford office, donated one paid-up ticket for the Branch’s COLCPE casino trip on Sunday, February 15.


In Memoriam

John W. “Bill” Kennelly, retired member out of the Mt. Ephriam office, passed away.


What Is NALC’s Maturity Income

Maturity Income is an annuity designed to provide a lifetime of supplemental retirement income. Interest earned on the member’s contributions is tax-deferred. No tax is paid on the cash build-up until money is withdrawn.
(See page 33, Feb. Postal Record)


Election of Branch Treasurer Challenged
New Election To Be Held

The election of the Branch Treasurer has been challenged, and the Branch Executive Board has decided that a new election for the office of Branch Treasurer shall be run because the Branch Recording Secretary did not provide adequate notice to the candidates as to when the election ballots would be mailed out.

Official Notice For The Re-Run Election Of Branch Treasurer

The re-run election for Branch Treasurer will be conducted by secret mail ballot. Nominees for the position are Tom Barnett and Mike McKiernan. Ballots will be mailed to the home addresses of all eligible members on February 19, 2004. Ballots must be mailed back to the Election Committee at Post Office Box 444, US Post Office, Mantua, NJ, 08051, and must be received by 5 pm on March 18, 2004. At that time, the Committee will collect the ballots for tabulation. The results of the balloting will be announced by the Election Committee on March 19 and in the April edition of the Branch Newsletter.
Any eligible Branch member wishing to put out a mailing to the Branch membership regarding this election may do so by contacting the Branch Recording Secretary at 468-4746 for address labels of the membership at a cost of $25. Each candidate is entitled to have an observer present at the preparation and mailing of ballots, the receipt, opening, counting, tallying and totaling of ballots. A candidate is permitted to serve as his or her own observer.


O’Malley Installs Branch Officers

NALC National Business Agent Tim O’Malley and Assistant National Business Agent Shelly Williams graced the membership with their appearance at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch on January 21, 2004, to install the recently elected officers of the Branch and to impart some words of wisdom with regard to what’s happening with regards to the Union, Postal and legislatively regarding our employment with the US Postal Service. Thanks, Tim and Shelly, for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come, install our officers and socialize with us.


Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO Central Labor Council Elects Executive Officers

The Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO Central Labor Council recently reported that it nominated and elected its Executive Officers for the 2004-2006 terms, which included our own John Vito as General Vice President. Nice going, John!


Retiree Direct Dues Payments

For those retirees who pay their dues directly to the Branch, the dues for 2004 are now due. Retirement dues remain at $12 per year. Please make checks payable to NALC Branch 908, and send them to PO Box 385, Woodbury, NJ 08096. Thank You!


COLCPE Casino Bus Trip – Sunday, February 15

The next COLCPE Casino Bus Trip has been scheduled for Sunday, February 15, the day before the annual Presidents’ Day Holiday on Monday, February 16. The trip will leave at 11 am from the Branch meeting hall, 502 Colonial Ave., Woodbury, and return at 6 pm at which time there will be refreshments waiting at the hall. To reserve your spot on the bus, see your Shop Steward or call Norm Task at 547-1639.


Dates To Remember

Convention Delegates Meeting Feb. 5
Regional Rap Session, Atlantic City Feb. 23,24
NJ Annual Congressional Breakfast Wash, DC March 2,3,4
Re-run election March 18
March Of Dimes Walkathon April 25
Branch 100th Centennial Celebration &
Annual Retirees’ & Awards Brunch
May 2
NALC Food Drive May 8
National Convention, Hawaii July 19-23


Why Branch Newsletter Was Late

In response to our complaint about the late delivery of our Branch Newsletter, the Post Office had this to say: “While I was disgusted at the lack of service you were given as far as timely delivery of your newsletter is concerned it was not news to me. Unfortunately on Friday, September 13, 2002, while I was looking through the incoming flats from the plant, I found the newsletter that had been sent out the previous Saturday. I have been trying all morning without success to get an answer on how mail in a letter tray could come back in a flat tub.”
Postmaster, Gibbsboro


Branch 2004 Budget Approved

The membership present and voting at the January 21, 2004 regular monthly meeting of the Branch unanimously approved the proposed Branch budget for 2004, which estimates receipts and expenditures of $251,663.00.


Step B Team Decision – Bridgeton

“The Dispute Resolution Team agrees that despite what DOIS projects a Non-OTDL carrier should not work overtime on another assignment unless the requirements of Article 8 of the National Agreement are followed. If there are ODL carriers available Management should instruct the Non-OTDL carrier to follow the procedure(s) in place for reporting if he is unable to complete his/her assignment in the allotted time, and then assign the overtime accordingly. If Management feels tat the Carrier’s performance is not adequate they have other avenues to pursue. Violating Article 8 is not one of them.”


New Branch Shop Stewards Elected

Brian Deputy  Wenonah
Walt Lyons Hammonton
Bruce Stubblefield Riverton
Robert Foltz Haddon Heights
Fred Simpkins Somerdale
Mike Porter Voorhees
Andy Dealy Woodbury/Deptford
Joe Walder  Woodbury/Deptford


New Branch Members

Larry D. McMaster Williamstown
Jonathon D. Hicks Mantua
Tanisha K. Cooper Sewell
J. J. Ebiner Glassboro
Bruce Thomas Salem
E. W. Pendlebury Somerdale
C. M. Piroli Rancocas


New Branch Retirees

D. P. Bernstein, Jr. Marlton
B. R. Carr Glassboro


100th Centennial Celebration & Annual Retirees and Branch Awards Brunch
Sunday May 2, 2004

The Annual Branch Retirees and Awards Brunch will be held this year in conjunction with the 100th Centennial Celebration of the Branch’s founding on Sunday, May 2, 2 to 6 pm, at the Colonial Manor Fire Hall, 611 Academy Ave., just off of Hessian Ave., West Deptford, NJ. Further details concerned with this joint venture will be issued in future copies of the Branch Newsletter. Stay tuned.


March of Dimes WalkAmerica – Sunday, April 25

Join Donna Villec and other Branch members in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica on Sunday, April 25, 2004. Call Donna at 772-9164 for further details, to volunteer for the march, or make a contribution to the March of Dimes. When you participate in WalkAmerica, you’re helping the March of Dimes fight a national crisis–premature birth. Today, 1 in 8 babies is born prematurely. Many die; others face lifelong disability. The money you raise in Walk America supports March of Dimes research and programs to find answers to what causes premature birth and what can be done to prevent it. Until we have more answers, anyone’s baby could be next.


Postal Service Looks Into Package Pick-Up and Delivery Service

According to a report in a recent edition of the Federal Times, the Postal Service in looking to take some package-delivery business from its commercial competitors. The Post Office is testing such a service in California. Customers call or e-mail the Postal Service when they have a package they want picked up. The service could go nationwide before the end of the year.


Thank You Branch 908

“The members that visited Mom at this busy time of the year made Donna and I proud to be members of Branch 908. John Vito & Donna Villec.

“Again, thank you so much for designating your support through the American Diabetes Association’s Always and Forever Memorial and Honor Program in the name of your deceased member, George Howell.”

“Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers & expressions of sympathy during our recent loss. It was very much appreciated and reminded us of all the kindness of our friends and co-workers.” From the family of Ron Giorgianni, Gibbstown.

“Thank you very much for your kindness and consideration in sending the flowers to my father’s funeral. They were very much appreciated.” Alan Jengehino

“May this express my sincere appreciation for your thoughtfulness.” Reggie Harris & Family


New Joint Intervention Process

The new Joint Intervention Process is the latest in a series of steps to reduce work floor conflict that began nearly a decade ago with the goal of finding a fast and fair “alternate dispute resolution process” (ADRP). That process has included the development of the Joint Contract Administrative Manual, and most recently the rewriting of Article 15 grievance procedure to incorporate a new DRP. Interventions will be aimed at “troubled” installations or large geographical units where the DRP is not performing up to expectations.


NALC Retirement Department

Toll-free number: 1-800-424-5186
Available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday only
From 10 am to noon and from 2 to 4 pm (Eastern Time)
This toll-free number is answered only during these hours on the day indicated.
If your questions concern hospitalization and you are a Member of the NALC Health Benefit Plan, Call 1-800-636-6252.