A Note From the President
Recently our Branch has been affected by the latest invocation of Article 12. The nuts and bolts of protecting the legality of Article 12 rests with the National Business Agent’s office. Shelly Williams, RAA, will be attending our next regular monthly meeting to better explain the intricacies of Article 12. Shelly will be happy to answer any questions members may have.
Please remember that February is COLCPE month. Your Shop Stewards will be coming around asking for contributions. Anything that you spare will be sent to the National to help elect candidates that will protect our interests. With the President’s appointment of a special Post Office Commission, it is paramount that we have the support of our legislators in Washington.
Steve Lipski
Next Meeting – February 19
The next regular monthly meeting of the Branch will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 8 PM, at the American Legion Hall, 502 Colonial Ave., North Woodbury. Regular monthly meetings of the Branch are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except in July and August.
Branch Officer & Shop Stewards Meetings – February 12
The Branch Board of Officers and Executive Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Board of Officers at 7:30 p.m., and the Executive Board at 8 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Officers and Executive Board will be on Wednesday, February, 7:30 and 8 PM respectively.
Attendance Prize Stands At $200
Had he been there, John Serbian, a retired member of the Branch out of Marlton, would have won the $175 attendance prize drawn at the regular monthly meeting held on Wednesday, January 15. The attendance prize now stands at $200.
Retirement Counseling
Section 589.123 of the ELM, provides for individual counseling for prospective retirees. “On request, interested employees are given individual pre-retirement counseling. Counseling is done by an official who can provide detailed information on the CSRS and the health benefits and life insurance programs. The official directs the employee to community or private sources for retirement planning information not available in the installation. These interviews are “on the clock” if the interviewer is available during the same tour as the employee seeking advice.”
In Memoriam
Frederick J. “Fritz” Mendel – Father of Health Benefits Officer Fred Mendel
Al Herzer – Branch member, Somerdale
COLCPE Beef/Beer & Casino Bus Trip
Sunday, February 16
The COLCPE Beef/Beer & Casino Bus trip will be held on Sunday, February 16. The Beef/Beer will be served at the American Legion Hall where we regularly meet between the hours of 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The Bus will leave for Caesars Hotel & Casino at 4 pm. The cost for the Beef/Beer and Casino Bus Trip is $20 pp, with each person getting $10 back in quarters when we reach the Casino. For tickets and/or information, contact Norm Task, or Steve Lipski.
Proposed Amendments to the Branch Constitution & By-laws
The following proposals to amend the Branch Constitution and/or By-Laws were read at the last regular monthly meeting, and will be read, debated, and voted on at the February 19 regular monthly meeting. Proposed to amend:
Article 5, Section 16 to increase State Convention delegate’s per diem from $30 per day to $50 per day, and lost time allowance from $35 per day to $50 per day.
Article 5, Section 19 to require that compensated Convention Delegates attend all delegate meetings called by the Branch prior to, during and after (if any) convention, to be compensated for their attendance at a convention The proposal also provides that all convention delegates must be on the convention floor during sessions unless excused by the Branch President, and that they must attend at least two (2) seminars during the convention week.
Article 5, Section 20 to provide for an increase of from $30 to $50 for meals per day, and from $35 to $50 per day for lost time for Branch Officers or Shop Stewards to attend other meetings, such as but not limited to rap sessions, WIN seminars, Dept. of Labor Seminars, training sessions or seminars put on by the State or National Association.
This proposal also provides that any member who feels that the compensation for an event is insufficient may appeal to the Executive Board who may, if they agree, choose to put the item before the membership for approval.
Article 13, Section 7 to provide for an increase of from $250 to $400 compensation per week for any Branch Officer or Shop Steward disciplined for his/her Union activities.
Article 17, Section 2 to provide for an increase of from $35 to $50 lost time per day for members, Branch Officer or Shop Stewards to attend education and training workshops.
Article 17, Section 3 to provide that retirees shall not be eligible for lost time compensation as is provided for in all Articles and Sections of the By-Laws that deal with compensating delegates or other Branch members for “lost time” or “lost leave time.
Welcome New Member
Eddie Jerome Peace – Stratford
Convention Vests
All those convention delegates who received Convention vests to attend the Philadelphia National Convention should have returned or paid for the vests. If your were a Convention Delegate and did not as yet return or pay for the vest, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please bring the vest to the Branch Office and let John Vito know that you returned your vest. Thank you.
Branch Heroes
Pedro Canales – Letter carrier, Riverton. While delivering his route Pedro heard screams. He pulled his truck over to help a Mrs. Barbara Jordon. Her son had tried to commit suicide. Pedro and a neighbor secured the son and attempted to provide first aide until the ambulance arrived. It was too late. Mr. Canales’ actions in assisting this customer provided comfort in a horrific situation.
Jim Moritz – Letter carrier, Marlton. Upon completing his route noticed a commotion at a patron’s house. She had returned from grocery shopping, and in a freak accident her car rolled on top of her pinning her under the wheels. Jim ran to help. Putting her car in neutral, he and a neighbor rolled the car off of her. Jim called 911 and held the patron’s baby till the ambulance arrived. The patron received stitches and had twisted ligaments. Had Jim not been there and acted, the outcome would have been much worse.
Branch Awards
As you may or may not be aware, the Branch holds a Retirees’ and Branch Awards breakfast annually, at which time recent retirees and Branch members who have distinguished themselves as Branch Officers, Shop Stewards and Union members are recognized and provided with an appropriate Branch Award. In order that we may recognize such achievements by our members, we need the help of everyone to let us know of those members who should be considered for a Branch Award. Let your Shop Stewards know, or send a “blip” to the Branch at PO Box 385, Woodbury, 08096.
Branch Pay Disclosures Criticized
The Branch has been criticized for putting the pay and salaries of the Branch Officers in the last Branch Newsletter because it didn’t show the pay received by Branch Shop Stewards, so here goes, for 2003, 38 Branch Shop Stewards will be paid $1,056 each, annually.
Death of Branch Members
In order that the Branch may pay appropriate homage, sympathy and/or benefits to the families of deceased members, we need the help of everyone, particularly Shop Stewards, to let us know of such passing. Call, and/or send a “blip” or a newspaper obituary column to the Branch at PO Box 385, Woodbury 08096, or notify the Branch Death Benefits Chairman Mike DiGiacomo and the Branch Sick and Welfare Chairman Norm Spence.
Annual Retirees’ And Branch Awards Breakfast
April 6, 2003
The annual Branch Retirees’ and Awards Breakfast will be held this year on Sunday, April 6, commencing 11 am, at the West Deptford Inn, 101 Grove Rd., West Deptford, the same place as last year. Members wishing to nominate others for a Branch award should contact the Branch Secretary, Bill Revak, with all of the details. Further information about the Breakfast will be forthcoming in future editions of the Branch Newsletter.
Remaining 2003 Pay Dates, Organization Dues, And Leave Year
Pay Period | Week One | Week Two | Pay Date | Holiday |
05 | 2/8 – 2/14 | 2/15 – 2/21 | 2/28 | 2/17 |
*06 | 2/22 – 2/28 | 3/1 – 3/7 | 3/14 | |
07 | 3/8 – 3/14 | 3/15 – 3/21 | 3/28 | |
*08 | 3/22 – 3/28 | 3/29 – 4/4 | 4/11 | |
09 | 4/5 – 4/11 | 4/12 – 4/18 | 4/25 | |
*10 | 4/19 – 4/25 | 4/26 – 5/2 | 5/9 | |
11 | 5/3 – 5/9 | 5/10 – 5/16 | 5/23 | |
12 | 5/17 – 5/23 | 5/24 – 5/30 | 6/6 | 5/26 |
*13 | 5/31 – 6/6 | 6/7 – 6/13 | 6/20 | |
14 | 6/14 – 6/20 | 6/21- 6/27 | 7/3 | |
*15 | 6/28 – 7/4 | 7/5 – 7/11 | 7/18 | 7/4 |
16 | 7/12 – 7/18 | 7/19 – 7/25 | 8/1 | |
*17 | 7/26 – 8/1 | 8/2 – 8/8 | 8/15 | |
18 | 8/9 – 8/15 | 8/16 – 8/22 | 8/29 | |
*19 | 8/23 – 8/29 | 8/30 – 9/5 | 9/12 | 9/1 |
20 | 9/6 – 9/12 | 9/13 – 9/19 | 9/26 | |
*21 | 9/20 – 9/26 | 9/27 – 10/3 | 10/10 | |
22 | 10/4 – 10/10 | 10/11 – 10/17 | 10/24 | 10/13 |
23 | 10/18 – 10/24 | 10/25 – 10/31 | 11/07 | |
*24 | 11/1 – 11/7 | 11/8 – 11/14 | 11/21 | 11/11 |
25 | 11/15 – 11/21 | 11/22 – 11/28 | 12/5 | 11/27 |
*26 | 11/29 – 12/5 | 12/6 – 12/12 | 12/19 | |
2004 Pay Periods Begin |
01 | 12/13 – 12/19 | 12/20 – 12/26 | 1/2 | 12/25 |
*02 | 12/27 – 1/2 | 1/3 – 1/9 | 1/16 | 1/1 |
* = Dues withheld |
Congressional Breakfast
March 11-13
The 51st Annual New Jersey Congressional Breakfast will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, D.C. March 11-13. The Breakfast will be on Thursday, March 13, and the rap session will be held the night before on Wednesday, March 12. NALC President Bill Young will host the rap session and inform New Jersey delegates on the latest developments and our legislative goals.
Don’t Drink Wawa’s “Sour Milk”
Over the last few weeks, Building Trades has been hand-billing many local Wawa Supermarkets. Wawa has been building these centers more frequently in our area and using non-union labor with sub-standard wages and benefits to do so.
Branch Expenses, December 2002
Printing Branch Newsletter | $90.10 | |
Postage | $606.45 | |
Phone | $41.22 | |
Office Supplies | $233.87 | |
Hall Rental | $330.00 | |
Christmas Functions | $549.44 | |
Grievances | $50.01 | |
Bonding Of Officers | $183.00 | |
Liability Insurance | $251.00 | |
Legal Retainer | $1,250.00 | |
Nat. Convention Fund | $837.00 | |
Training | $169.39 | |
Labor Activity & Functions | $125.00 | |
Officers Salaries | $7,230.77 | |
Shop Stewards Comp. | $9,690.00 | |
State Taxes | $426.09 | |
Total | $22,063.34 |